Wednesday, September 30, 2009

We Begin

The Endless Mountains 1240K began with 48 riders leaving the Hampton Inn in Quakertown PA at 4:00 a.m. Wednesday morning.

I spent a couple of minutes catching up with local PA riders Rick Carpenter and Guy Harris. Rick and Guy are veterans of many of Tom Rosenbauer's PA Randonneuring events. Rick recently completed London Edinburgh London 1400K and Guy is close to wrapping up a yearlong R-12 series in tough PA terrain on a fixed gear. Rick is using the EM 1240K along with Craig Martek, Michael Strugill, Henrik Olsen as a RAAM qualifier.

The first mechanical issue of the day has befallen Vincente Muoneke from Seattle, WA. Vincent violated one of the cardinal rules of long distance cycling which is "Thou Shalt Not Mess with your Bike" just prior to a long ride. Victor's punishment is a bottom bracket which is tightening up on him. Welcome to PA! If anyone can deal with it I'm sure that Victor can overcome the problem.

Tom Rosenbauer, the event organizer, sent the riders on their way and told me a few minutes ago. "If I did my job correctly all I need to do is pass out the medals at the end to all the riders that finish" Well Tom, I'm sure that your did your job correctly but I have a feeling that you will be pretty busy for the next several days.

1 comment:

  1. Hello Vincent(photo), my friend!!
    How are you doing?
    good luck to you and my Braziliam friends(Rogerio and Henrique)!

    ride Vincent, ride Vincent!

    Se you soon!

    Roberto Trevisan
    from Brazil!
